Collaboration and The Use of Music


The Use of Music 

In our ongoing collaboration works we have considered using different music for many pieces of our work. 

In the Duet/Trio/Solo pieces the group talked about using varying types of music which included but is not limited to: 


Movie/Tv show  

From different eras specifically eg. 80s, 60s, 2000s 

With a specific beat or upbeat melody  


I can think of many instances where the soundtrack has been integral to a piece of performance/media. This is perhaps best displayed in movie soundtracks. 

An example of this can be found clearly in the soundtrack to Guardians of the Galaxy, one of the more recent examples of unlikely songs coming together to create an iconic soundtrack. 

All are great songs in their own right, but when put together in the film(s) they create an atmosphere and set the upbeat, quirky tone for the franchise. 

I’ve linked the playlist below: 

Many films since have tried to copy this idea but have had less success, most notably in the same genre, Suicide Squad (which is a problematic film to begin with) has some good songs included but fails to provide the same vibe and pay off that Guardians does. 

On a more dance/performance related note, The Royal Ballet and the National Ballet of Canada, created a ballet that was performed at the Royal Opera House entitled Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland which features varying styles of dance as well as a complex orchestration to match. 

It’s a great production and has some very useful interviews and performances on youtube to access, it’s quite a step away from conventional ballet in places. 

I’ve linked the website below as well as a YouTube clip of the trailer 

This is also the link to Joby Tabolt who orchestrated Alice, and his spotify profile which includes his other works: 

Instrumental music is often unnoticed in Films, TV and performance but it’s used a set a tone and ambience in the background of scenes and is supposed to be complementary and relevant without being so explicit that it’s all you can focus on.  

Two names that comes to mind when I think of the concept: 

Ludwig Goransson 

Blake Neely 

I know Goransson’s work from the TV show ‘Community but he has worked on an extensive amount of films and TV shows. 

This is a link to his spotify profile: 

Neely has also worked on the scores for many projects but I know his work from ‘The Flash’ and the extended Arrowverse. 

With my personal favourite piece from him being this (linked below) from the episode ‘Duet’ from ‘The Flash’. 

This is the link to his spotify profile: 



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