Laura Sarah Macy - Final Video

Here is the link to myself, Laura and Macy's final video of our trio.

Overall I think the video turned out really well. I think our choice of music really fits with all 3 solos, it brings an upbeat and positive feel to the trio which was our aim when choosing music. The music also helps to bring the videos together, so they feel like a trio rather than 3 separate solos. 

I also think we did well choreographically fitting the three solos together, as we were able to find moments of similarity to create unison, and then also moments whereby we danced our own material alongside each other which worked really well.  

Although in the final video there were some minor timing issues such as in some of the unison sections, I think we have done really well considering it has all been done virtually. If we were to do it again I think it would be a good idea to film a rough draft beforehand so we could prevent timing issues, such as we did with the bright top piece. 

However, I think working virtually worked to our advantage in this sense, because on the screen we are all separate to one another so nothing looked out of place, and overall the video turned out just as we had planned. 


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