Accumulation - Storyboard Idea for Unison Phrase

 This is a rough idea of the first structural decision for the unison piece, the idea I have attempting to articulate is this idea of accumulation of people while the unison piece develops from Laura down to Olivia. The configurations of the squares can change if anyone comes up with different ones to create exciting visuals but this is just a frame work to explain this accumulation. 

To break it down further using the first 4 phrases as an example;

Laura will dance her solo alone 

Bella will join her and the both of them will perform Bella’s phrase only 

Ava will join these 2 and the three of them will perform Ava’s phrase only 

Then finally Amber will join these 3 and the four of them will perform Amber’s phrase only


Therefore, you are only required to learn and film the sections from yours onwards, separately. 


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