Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre

I have found this video on YouTube from Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre, which they have filmed during lockdown. They have produced a video similar to what we have done already (our bright coloured top piece) however what I love about this, is the small outtakes that they have left in. I like when they include their pets in the clips and/or their family members. This made me think how creative it would be if we did the same (whilst keeping safe of course).

The choreography is also very slow and almost still motioned. I like this, and find it quite relaxing to watch. We have created many upbeat, fast paced pieces so far, so a contrast to this would be a good thing to try. 

_____________________________________________________________________________________ - This is their company website to give you an idea on the work they create and some background knowledge on them. 


  1. After watching this clip , I strongly agree with Macy's view that it's really calming to watch almost satisfying. I think it would be something really interesting to try out . Following on I think the people in the background , pets etc really add a nice sense of security . That is hard to capture in any other setting .


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