Laura, Macy, and Sarah – Trio rehearsal meeting

On February 26th, myself Macy and Sarah had a rehearsal meeting via Facetime to discuss our costuming and music options for our piece. We really thought about the aesthetic we wanted to portray with this trio, so we compared the styles and music we have got for other material and decided to wear blue jeans with a black top to contrast with the bright top piece and our usual black leggings for the bottoms. Not only that the styling options was also based off our music choice. We decided to choose ‘Moving on up’ by M People as we wanted to go for an upbeat, classic but chill song. To portray a sort of feel-good image. We also went over our movement material, so all our timing and movements are clean and ready to be filmed.

The structure of our trio is a mixture of jumping in and out of each other’s movement material. so mainly there will be two people dancing at one particular time. Begging with myself and Sarah performing out phrases. Then repeating our phrases, a second time for Macy and Sarah to stop and go between each other, then myself and Macy do a stop and go with our material too. Almost like a question-and-answer structure. When regards to filming we will all film individually but depending how may forms of our movement we do within the piece is going to determine how many times we will film our pieces, then they can be edited together at the end to pull our whole concept together.

We aim our final piece to be quite enjoyable to watch and a little bit more different to other stuff w e have created as we are all including more aspects of our surroundings for example the couch or desk To highlights that dancing in an area different that a studio can still be just as good .

The link to the music ' Moving on up'M People - Moving on Up (Official Video) - YouTube

Here is an example of the style we are aiming for with our trio


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