Mollie, Daisy and Tyler Trio - Rehearsal Footage

 Last week we met up on Zoom to work closely on our trio together, finalizing the choreographic decisions.

The first thing we decided to do was perform the trio once, without deciding any choreographic decisions and have someone screen record this clip so we could watch back and, as a group, vocalize what we liked, disliked, found interesting, and address some ideas we think could work quite well - watching it back really helped to pull apart the work as without recording it to watch back, we all found it very difficult to say what we thought after performing as we couldn’t see the piece as a whole.

This is the first recording:


After watching this, we came up with a few ideas on what to work on next time which were; the stylistic quality of Mollie and Daisy’s solo were very similar so, therefore, worked very well next to each other - from this we decided the format of the piece (storyboard to follow) we then discussed how the stylistic quality of Tyler’s solo worked really well as a focal point of the work and to create layers and contrasts between Mollie and Daisy’s. Finally, we decided to develop moments of stillness into all three of our solos to break up the work to allow for the viewer to focus on a different dancer at a time instead of as a whole as we thought the contrasts could appear very busy and hard to follow.

This was the second recording of us taking into account what we had discussed;

After watching this we were really pleased with the way we had articulated the ideas we had spoken about and that they worked well but as you can see we had not discussed the timing of when Mollie and Daisy pause to allow Tyler to perform her solo to then restart again (this is the reason why we are looking at the camera) so we spoke about timing and agreed on the timing so that it was a lot cleaner and so we weren’t awkwardly waiting for our ‘heads up’ as such from Tyler.

This is the final recording from our rehearsal;

Overall I think we worked really productively and came up with some really interesting ways to develop the material.



  1. I like how after the first recording we did we decided that we liked the placing of Mollie and Daisy together at the top of the screen dancing at a faster pace and I was underneath more central dancing a lot slower. We all found that we could easily link movements together as Mollie and Daisy were able to connect a jump which they both found could bring them to stillness where me and Mollie found that as my arms lower so did Mollie and I was able to pick up that in Mollies section I was able to follow on from the shoulder role that she does. I think that working in the way of recording and looking over it we were able to find new ways of developing our work

  2. I believe throughout our rehearsal process as a trio, we have managed to collaborate effectively. We have found a style of working that suits us, of recording and reflecting afterwards as a group. There have been moments of coincidence present within the material that we have developed into a clearer feature, such as when me and Mollie go opposite directions off screen and Tyler remains central and becomes a focal point. We tried moving the boxes in zoom around in order to find which looked most effective.


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