Mollie, Daisy, Tyler- meeting 26th February

As part of the wider collaborative piece, myself, Mollie and Tyler have been developing a trio. On Friday the 26th, we met via zoom to make decisions about music, costumes and filming. 

Before the meeting, we all chose a few songs that we felt would be suitable for the piece. We all spoke about the songs and discussed which ones we liked and why. We liked Iron Sky by Paulo Nutini because it had a large crescendo in the music, and an interesting vocal section that we felt might be interesting with Tyler's choreography.  In the end, we tried sections of the movement to the music and felt "Dancing in the moonlight" by Toploader worked nicely. It was a song everyone knew and was a similar tempo to how we had rehearsed without music. 

After Music was agreed upon, we chose costume for our final performance footage. This was quite a lengthy process, as we were considering video background as well as what had been used for the other video performances. We found in our earlier discussions when we were brainstorming ideas that we all shared the same desire to make the costume different to the other performances to camera. We wanted costume to be like this in order to make it clear to the audience that it was a separate piece. We started by all brainstorming what we felt would look effective, and then we discussed if we had similar clothes and what we felt worked, or may not about the costume. As we have decided to try and show how we have layered choreography phrases onto each other via the film we wanted to demonstrate this via costume too. Because of this, at the start me and Mollie will wear an all black outfit with a checked shirt on top. Then when we repeat our phrases with Tyler's choreography added we will all wear a black outfit. The outfit can be whatever we feel comfortable in, as long as it is black. We chose this colour as we all have black  clothes available to us, and black will stand out against any of our filming backgrounds. When discussing our final decisions, we were very aware that each of us have very different spaces available to us. All of our locations are quite light though, so it should look clear on camera and effective if we wear black. 

At the end of the meeting we made a rough schedule for what we wanted to achieve and when. By next Tuesday we all aim to have rehearsed more with the music independently, so that we can further refine our material. Then we can meet again via zoom and layer them all together to ensure all the moments we had previously selected to emphasise and develop are still clear. By the Tuesday after we are hoping to have our final footage filmed. We also used this time to discuss what we wanted to include in our blog posts about rehearsals and our storyboard. We felt it would be more effective if we all discussed these things collaboratively, but only a singular final copy made as they would all be uploaded to the same place. To decide who completed which task, we all randomly picked one. 

The meeting was productive, and I think it is because we all spoke and listened to each other. Throughout the process we have been patient with each other, and each of us have made an effort to be conscientious towards our collaborators. Within each rehearsal there has been a conversation at the end or the beginning about non work related stuff, and in my opinion this has helped us all be able to trust each other easier as at times the collaborative process can require vulnerability. This idea of vulnerability is something we have all encountered within our readings and watching but to experience it within the collaborative process can be daunting sometimes. 

If you copy and paste the link below you should be able to view the storyboard of our trio.



  1. I think 'Iron Sky' was a good suggestion for the accompaniment of the piece as I thought that it could be very complimentary to the different stylistic qualities we have in our trio, however when I played the song again and listened to the lyrics I thought that it maybe wasn't that complimentary to the piece as a whole . Therefore Daisy suggested a handful of songs that she had chosen that were all very upbeat and positive that were a similar tempo to the songs we were rehearsing to in class time. Immediately when she played 'Dancing in The Moonlight' our faces lit up as it is one of those songs that reminds people of good times, good vibes and is just a good old catching song! So we thought that this would be a great accompaniment for the piece. We decided that we would go off in our own time to rehearse with the piece and if there were any major concerns with the tempo or it just not seeming to fit well, we would speak about this in the group chat and discuss how we could adapt the movements or timing to fit as we did not necessarily want to change the music.

    This meeting was very useful and effective as we were able to discuss the last minute detaily-bits of the work such as costume, music, layout/structure and filming decisions, and spend a long time anaylising what could or couldn't work, as we had already decided on the material for the piece. Having the extra time to allow for finalising details was really important as although our costume is very minimal due to what we have available to us, we were able to, as a group, comment on all our backgrounds and spaces and agree that the costume we had selected would work well with our backgrounds and not wash us out or blend in, causing movements to be missed.

    I also thought it was a really good idea to finalise the structure of the piece, so therefore I created the storyboard to send to Adam, as the formation of the work was one of the first things we all spotted and thought worked effectively, so we wanted to make sure that that would be finalised and present in the final cut of the piece.

    Overall, I am really pleased with the way we are working as a group and the way we are frequently meeting up to vocalise our ideas as sometimes in class time it can feel very rushed and some ideas can be missed.


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