The Sofa Dance 

I found this piece called The Sofa Dance which was filmed in lockdown for the BBC called Culture in Quarantine, Filmed in Lockdown. It is a short film showing how 30 acrobats from Mimbre Acrobat Theatre have dealt with lockdown and wanted to share their own experiences. Partners, children and flatmates are also in the piece giving it a more real view to what it's been like with the change of space. It’s got a few sections of split screen and unison which we are looking at for our final piece which looks like it has been filmed and edited together.


  1. This would be so fun to try out as a group, and experiment with how much we could do with just a sofa. I think we would surprise ourselves creatively.
    This also reminds me of mine, Sarah's and Laura's trio piece, as we use the motif of sitting on the sofa a lot to provide stillness in one video whilst two others are still dancing.


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