Artistic Collaborations: Martha Graham & Isamu Noguchi

"Artistic Collaborations: Martha Graham & Isamu Noguchi"

When reading this article I found the quote: “I felt that I was an extension of Martha and that she was an extension of me…” 
Isamu Noguchi
I thought this quote was extremely relevant and could be applied to our own collaborative process. For example, we are all extensions of each other in the way that we are working collaboratively together to build one big piece of work - when one person shares an idea usually another person adds to this idea and builds on it and then another person adds an idea and so on and so forth. This idea and analogy of extension is one that I think is extremely relevant to working collaboratively, as by building together or extending. the progress of the piece is driven forward and more progress gets made. Being extensions of each other could also mean us trying the ideas of other people, or accepting choreographic suggestions or constructive criticism from our peers and again can be useful in driving the progress of the piece forward. 

Link to article:


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