Bright Colour Piece - Process

Bright Colour Piece - Process

Throughout the process of creating our 'bright colour' piece, I filmed three different variations of my section of footage.

The first version is my personal favourite, I have elaborated on this version in my post 'Dance in Collaboration with Lighting'. It involves the use of red and white lights and lighting changes within the piece.

The second version uses the same lights with a different effect, making them green and they have a more dotted look. I also used a different wall as a backdrop as well as incorporating the sofa into the routine.

The third version was filmed back home in my conservatory, (instead of in my flat like the other two) I placed the camera at a higher position to give a different point of view and it filmed the footage when it was just starting to get dark. This was to give it the same darkly lit feel of my previous footage whilst also making the bright top noticeable and clearly visible.

I have edited together my three versions of the footage to show the variation in movement, costume, lighting and location that took place during the making process. The music I've put behind the footage is just generic background music, but it gives an idea of what the footage looks like with sound behind it.


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