Bright top Hozier piece- Daisy's process

The Hozier performance piece was our first performance created in this unit. The video below is the second version of the footage taken for the piece. After each video we reflected on them as a group, and then we re-filmed with the developments we decided. Firstly, we decided on a change of setting to film in. We then wanted to tighten on our transition firstly by being in the same ending/ starting position and then by being in the same position in space.

 The next stage in our process was to focus on the outfits we wore for the filming. We wanted a costume that was similar to each other . We did this too make the piece look more professional and effective. 

As this was our first performance piece in the collaboration unit I feel we learnt a lot. On a personal level I know I haven't had to consider many production elements before, so I had to think about this in depth as to what looks professional and creates the better overall effect. 

I have found that performing to the camera has altered colours and perspectives of how things appear, so this is something I had to learn throughout the process. As a group I think we learnt about how to vocalize an idea better to each other in this piece too.

This piece was inspired by Exquisit corps' piece "42 Choreographers" and the piece "And So Say All Of Us". As we had a clear objective for the piece and we communicated well, we all knew what we were aiming for.

I think we collaborated well on this piece, which made it quite easy to create.


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