Bright Top Piece Collaborative Process

This piece was one of the first collaborations we made in this module. Laura and Becky both suggested song ideas for this piece. These are the links to the songs:

Laura’s -

Becky’s -

We then voted, and chose to go with Becky’s song choice, which was Movement - Hozier. Our task was too film a specifically timed phrase to a part of the music. (Nobody had the exact same amount of counts, they ranged from 12 seconds - 20 seconds.) We chose a running order and we had to make sure that our first movement was the same as the person before us, ending movement. 

This is the video of my first draft:

The next week we spoke about the piece as a whole and what we could do to improve it. Firstly, we decided for everyone to film landscape, as it worked better when we uploaded it to YouTube. I did this the first time round, however some did not. We then spoke about the camera angles and how we wanted it to flow more smoothly, as the first video, as a whole, looked jittery and unpolished. After speaking about all of the improvements, we then all filmed our phrases for a second time. This time, I completely changed my choreography. I didn’t like my first video at all, and thought it didn’t run smoothly in between Daisy’s and Megan’s either. 

This is my second video:

After our second attempt, we spoke about costumes and what we wanted to wear. We thought that this would finish the piece off and make us look like more of a cohesive, rather than 12 separate solos. We agreed on wearing black bottoms and a bright coloured top. I had already worn this, accidentally, in my second recording, therefore I decided to not re-film it (like everyone else has to) but to use my second recording as my final piece. I chose to do this, as I felt like I danced my choreography well, I liked the background I had and I also liked that it was a darker video to my first one, as I filmed my second one at night time. 

After everyone had filmed their final cut, we grouped all of the videos together to make our final piece. 


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