Bright top process

To make this piece we started by taking the last move of the person before us to follow on from to make the solo. We were given certain timings within the song to make our solo.  

This is the first take of the solo I made. I recorded it with and without lighting to follow on from Megan's solo before me.  


After seeing the final edit that Laura had made of our videos, we decided that filming them again in varied locations to make it more interesting and have then filmed in landscape to get more of the background. We also made sure that we were clear on the movement of the person in front to get a cleaner transition on the edits going into another phrase.  

This is the second video that was taken on stair case to get a different location.  


After seeing this edited together, we decided that filming in landscape looked a lot better overall. We then discussed a costume for the final piece and agreed that wearing a bright coloured top would fit nicely in our piece.  

This is the final video I filmed for the piece we made.  


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