Collaboration - Looking Back on our Collaboration

This module has been challenging to say the least due to online learning, however, I think that this has been positive, as if we were look back on what we have achieved, 2 large group pieces and 4 small group pieces, we have managed a lot and worked efficiently together, so although at times this has felt very tough for everyone, we essentially have enhanced our collaborative skills, so therefore when we all meet again face-to-face, working collaboratively in a studio will feel like a dream compared to this when in reality collaboration is not meant to be easy, it is a skill that can be challenging in so many different ways to so many different individuals. 

Although some of our initial intentions for the work may have been adapted or even lost through our project, the work itself creates such a wholesome feel and a sense of togetherness - which was picked up earlier on in the project before we had seen the final works. The sense of togetherness has felt so strong through the way we have all collaborated so effectively and closely even whilst we are apart carrying similar intentions and working outcomes throughout. 

As well as creating a sense of togetherness, I think the work enhances our own personalities and identities. Considering how everyone's movement is slightly different in the unison piece, this could be seen as messy or out of time, however, I think it just shows the realities of working online and how everyone has adapted each phrase accordingly, adding their own quality to the material, subconsciously. Therefore I think if we were to have made this in the studio, I don't think it would have given off the same sense of togetherness or explore each individual's movement identity which I think is something really special that this work carries. 

I think we have all surprised ourselves with the outcomes of this project, as I definitely had doubts and concerns regarding how neat this work would look and how in time it would be and if all the videos work, but while watching all our final outcomes these concerns were not seen as negatives as it shows the reality of dancing and collaborating online and I think this project will be a relatable piece to other dance artists creating work online. 

I personally had a special feeling watching this work and felt proud of how we have worked during these unprecedented times and how we have managed to achieve something so special. Go us :)


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