Mollie, Daisy, Tyler - Trio - Link to Final Work

As well as working collaboratively to make large group projects, we were split into smaller groups of two to three in order to make duets and trios.

Me, Daisy, and Tyler worked together to create a trio. We did this by all making a solo and then performing it to each other in order to find moments that crossed over to create moments of unison, allowing it to feel more like a trio instead of three solos. 

This was quite a difficult process as when we were all dancing together we weren't able to watch each other back and comment on interesting moments, therefore when we were rehearsing in our own time we decided to screen record the zoom call then watch it back together - rehearsal footage is in a separate post. 

Overall, I think our decision-making was efficient and the choreographical decisions, such as costume, music, and structure have created an effective dance piece.

Here is the link to the final trio; 


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