Process of Bright Top

During the process of making our bright top piece, I recorded my solo 3 times. At the start of this process we agreed to take the last movement of the person before us and use that as our first movement, to make a seamless transition and make it appear as if it was one long piece of choreography. We had not yet decided on costume, but we had decided on music and which section each person was going to use. As this was our first draft, we filmed the videos and sent them to Laura to edit together so that we could get an idea of what we could improve on. 

Here is my first video:

After watching back our first draft, we noticed a few things we could improve on to make our video a much higher quality:

  • all videos to be filmed in landscape to look the same and make the video seamless
  • Ensure we have watched the video of the person before us thoroughly to get direction, and camera placement accurate 
  • Be more accurate with music and counts, make phrase more complex if needed 
Here is my second version of the video after taking on those corrections:

After watching the new edit of the final video there were just a few smaller corrections to be made to make our final video:
  • Agree on a set costume to have a running theme throughout 
  • Try to include as much of the body as possible in the shot, don't cut any body parts off
Here is my final video which is included in our final piece:

Overall I think working in this 'trial and error' way really worked for this piece, as at each step of the process we were able to gauge what it was going to look like, and make edits to ensure it looked as clean as possible. 


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