Rehearsal footage for Bright colour piece

Here is some rehearsal footage for the piece of work we created as a group inspired by the dance video Exquisite Corps by Mitchell Rose. This footage was made as a rough copy and wasn’t included in the final edited piece as we had not decided on everyone’s location or costume. During this piece of work, we all performed solos in turn, where one person's last move was the next person's first move. I found working on this piece extremely beneficial to my collaboration skills as a dancer and choreographer as I gained confidence by teaching the person after me in the sequence my own choreography. It also improved my communication skills as I was able to guide and talk to my partner in an efficient way to help them incorporate my own work into their work. I enjoyed creating this piece of work because as we engaged with creating the piece, it was interesting to see the transitions between people’s choreography and also I enjoyed seeing the contrast in people’s location choices. 


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