Rehearsal Footage - unison group

Rehearsal Footage - unison group

Here is the link to the zoom rehearsal of the group unison piece:

Rehearsing a group piece of material via zoom , I found very challenging but also rewarding. As the most difficult part was trying to keep the timing together and the sense of direction, as on zoo some camera's are flipped and some aren't . Not only that but because the material was fairly new to us all at this point you can see many of us trying to watch each other through the screen for timings etc , which I think sometimes made us more confused. However this footage was one of the first times we put everyone's parts together into the big unison phrase , which i believe was one of the reasons some parts are delayed or unknown as this piece was still a work in progress.

In this footage , it is myself counting the counts for everyone , and as you can tell it doesn't always go to plan as sometimes I think I'm going to fast or too slow as a result of trying to watch everyone through a screen , but all in all I think it was a good first practise . Also from looking from this footage to our final piece you can see the work and effort and progress that has been made to improve and finalise our work.


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